Sunday, September 5, 2010


Last night I flipped through the pages of a book titled, PIE. The kittens snuggled up as I decided which lovely treat I would cook up. I've never made a pie before, but I am insanely good at following directions. I mean like really really good. So I decided on a peach swirl pie with a cake crust.
After picking up some cream cheese, sour cream, and hairspray at the grocery store, I got to mixing! Muffin enjoyed licking sugar off the edge of the bowl.
Nothing is better than cooking with a fresh manicure. My fingers look like Barbie's.
I sliced up both fresh and canned peaches.
Peach spiral carefully placed on top of the custard cream filling.
Then a brown sugar cream topping baked for just 5 more min.
Check out those layers. I can't wait to cut into this.
Floral pants, red slippers, and Riley napping on my thigh. Time to watch Mtv.

Love Is In The Air


They Call Me Jane, That Is My Name