Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bored Face

I can't count amount of hours (or what felt like hours) that I spent as a child bored at Fat Apples.


For all my Tron inspired dancing on the bar moments:

Save The Date, and Clear the Road

I'm getting my California license. Not so I can drive, just so I can get into bars.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Le Petite Muff Muff

Drag Dress Holiday

My sewing machine has been hot and over worked recently, thanks to my cross dressing friends. The amazing Cayenne hired me to make him a red New Years Eve dress.

The kitties cuddled up nightly to watch the sewing needle pump up and down. If only I could sleep all day.
The dress had a long slip up the back that we added a fluff of tool to. I couldn't resist throwing it around for a solid 20 minutes before a started sewing.
And here she is on her big night. It was a lot of draping with the open back and huge sleeves. But truly a drag queens dream.
I think even Divine would agree.

Fabric Sushi

For our annual "White Elephant" gift exchange at work I created these little sushi treats. Miss Myra came over with scraps of terry cloth and ribbon. I cut up a yellow sponge to make the egg, and was able to score a to-go sushi tray and chopsticks. They can stay in the tray on display, or can be hung on a tree as little ornaments. Just don't eat them.


Ah...yes...perfect. Didn't you miss me?? I created this wonder of a costume for Halloween. Nothing can compare to the moment when that annoying bubble gum pop song came on and I busted my best Katy Perry move. Not even moments later I crashed, burned, and landed on my butt. In true superstar style I brushed it off, fixed my wig, checked my cupcakes, and went on my merry way.

Love Is In The Air


They Call Me Jane, That Is My Name